Whilst finishing the text I thought that it may look better scrunched rather than stained as it would look neater, cleaner and a lot easier to read. The audience may have been distracted by stains from the coffee or holes which I had burnt in the paper. The image still has a distressed look but I have made it look like this in a different way which is better suited to the OTS. It fits in with the smart crisp shirts that the actors are wearing. The text is off centre to give it a more candid casual feel. If it were to be completely in line it would not go with the nature of the story line. The footage that we have is dark and the bright contrast of the white paper was to distracting to use. It distracted my eyes after the dark scenes. I inverted it which I think works really well as the creases and dirty pen marks show through.
On our OTS I inserted a white flash transition between the last piece of fotage and the image of the title of the film we have created. The screen hots above show the change in light of the title and the last still of footage.
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